family birth place

Our Birth Providers

A number of obstetricians and midwives choose to deliver at Adventist Health’s Family Birth Place. If you’re looking for a highly qualified pregnancy and birth health care partner, you’ve come to the right place.

Adventist Health Women’s Clinic

Our team of OB/GYNs and certified nurse-midwives brings years of experience and a genuine belief in the power of women to their obstetrics and gynecology practice.


Certified nurse-midwives:

Affiliated providers

Family Birth Place also has a strong connection with affiliated obstetrics providers and practices. These include:

Bridgetown Women’s Care

This practice features doctors who have served this community for more than 25 years, including:

Women’s Healthcare Clinic of Oregon

This practice provides care for women by women, including:

Whichever provider you choose, you can depend on the Family Birth Place team to make your birth memorable, caring and safe.