Occupational Therapy
Overcoming physical limitations caused by injury and disease
At Adventist Health Tillamook, our occupational therapy staff specialize in treatment of patients with injuries or surgeries involving the hand, wrist, elbow and shoulder. They also care for patients who have suffered stroke, traumatic brain injury or other neurological disorders.
Back to daily living
Occupational therapy is therapy based on activity. This therapy is designed to help individuals adapt to their limitations and to their physical and mental potential through meaningful activities at home, at work or during leisure activities. The occupational therapist’s goal is to improve your functional, physical and mental abilities when you have difficulty performing the activities of daily living.
The occupational therapy staff at Adventist Health Tillamook work in a variety of settings, including acute care and outpatient.
The following problems may be treated by occupational therapy:
- Arthritis
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Tendonitis of the elbow (tennis elbow) or shoulder
- Burns involving the forearm and hand
- Recent hand, wrist or shoulder surgery
- Pediatric concerns like sensory and visual motor disorders
Occupational therapists treat by referral from physicians or other healthcare providers.
Meet our occupational therapy team
For more information call:(503) 815-2391
For scheduling call:(503) 815-2292
To fax referrals dial: (503) 815-2283