
Contact Us

Adventist Health Tillamook is managed locally by a team of caring people dedicated to providing professional healthcare services to the community in which they live. Our medical center is also a member of Adventist Health, a network of hospitals and health care organizations operating in California, Hawaii, Oregon and Washington.

Write or Visit Us

1000 Third Street
Tillamook, Oregon 97141

Call Us

Main Number: (503) 842-4444

Fax Number: (503) 842-3062

North County Toll Free Number: (503) 368-6544

TDD: (503) 842-3500

Email a Compliment or Suggestion

Individuals are encourage to contact Adventist Health Tillamook to email a compliment or suggestion.

Email a Concern

Individuals are encouraged to contact Adventist Health Tillamook management regarding any concerns about patient care and safety in the hospital that the hospital has not addressed. We encourage you to contact the respective department director at (503) 842-4444.

You may also contact the following:

Gina Seufert RN, CPHQ
Patient Representative
(503) 815-2414
Email a Concern

For compliance reporting options, please visit our corporate website.