Holidays and Recovery
Nov 8, 2022
While many enjoy festive events of the holidays, family time and the hustle and bustle that comes along with the holidays, for some, the stress and pressure can be overwhelming. This is especially true for those struggling with addiction or who are new to recovery. Our substance use teams at Adventist Health are here to support you, so you never feel alone.
At Adventist Health, we strive to meet people where they are, without casting stigma or shame. We welcome people from all walks of life and feel privileged to walk alongside our community members on their journey to healing. We offer medication-assisted treatment, individual and group counseling, case management, treatment planning services and more. Our team is comprised of compassionate healthcare workers who believe in your future, your right to treatment, and recovery services. We partner with each patient to work towards their goals, using a cooperative client-centered approach.
Our team knows that addiction is a chronic, relapsing brain disease that should be treated like the medical condition it is. Redwood Recovery Wellness Program understands that addiction is not a choice. We treat substance use with the same reverence as we would any other healthcare need.
We treat Opioid Use Disorder, Alcohol Use Disorder, and Stimulant Use Disorders by way of individual counseling, group and family counseling, and medication-assisted treatment.
Learn more about our services for Willits at 707-456-3320, Ukiah at 707-463-7461 and Lucerne at 707-274-9299.
Tips for successfully maintaining sobriety and making your mental health a priority this holiday season.
- Remember to Breathe!
- Have a buddy you can call, or call one of our programs: Willits: 707-456-3320, Ukiah: 707-463-7461, Lucerne: 707-274-9299
- Offer to be sober driver
- Find a way to volunteer or be of service
- Put non-alcoholic drinks in a red cup so you have something to do with your hands
- Try an Alcathon meeting (Marathon meetings held on the holidays through AA or NA)
- Call the AA hotline at (707) 472-7123 to find a meeting or speak to someone in recovery
- Spend time with kiddos- playing games, making art, taking nature walks
- Don’t put yourself in risky situations
- If you go to a holiday party take your own vehicle, a sober buddy, and have an “escape plan”
- Give yourself a quiet space to unwind
- Take a walk
- Practice radical self-care
- A little bit of gratitude goes a long way. Focus on the things that are going right
To learn more about our services or to schedule an appointment, call our programs and ask for an appointment for substance use. Counseling services are free.