Breastfeeding Support
Breastfeeding Support in Los Angeles
We're here to help you care for your baby
At Adventist Health White Memorial, we care about you and the health of your baby even after you leave the medical center. Our Lactation Clinic is an outpatient service that provides support and assistance for our breastfeeding mothers. We are available for phone advice or in-person visits for any breastfeeding mother and infant.
You can reach us at (323) 268-5000 ext. 5823
Tips on breastfeeding
Breastfeeding is the "best feeding" method for your new baby. Get free one-on-one help from our certified lactation consultant or lactation educator after you've delivered your baby and are still in the medical center. You can also receive this service if you've left the medical center.
Here are a few suggestions if you are waiting for a return call:
- Hold your baby skin-to-skin before and after breastfeeding-this will calm your baby.
- Your baby wants to feed very often in the first few days-this is normal. Feed your baby at least 8 times in 24 hours during the first 1-2 weeks.
- Offer the breast whenever your baby is showing signs of hunger (moving head side to side as if looking for the breast, just waking up and moving hands and legs, sucking on hand or fingers).
- If you are experiencing pain when your baby latches onto the breast, take the baby off and retry. A large portion of the areola (dark area around the nipple) needs to be in the baby's mouth to get a deep enough latch. This should reduce or stop the pain.
- Is your baby continuing to pee and poop? It is expected for your baby to have 1 pee and 1 poop in the first 24 hours. Then 2 pees and 2 poops on the second day. Then 3 pees and poops on the 3rd day. And on day 4, there should be 4 pees and 4 poops. On day 5 and after that, there should be at least 4 pees and 4 poops, but maybe more. This is all normal. It means your baby is getting enough milk!
Do NOT have your baby sleep in bed with you, on a pillow or on the couch. These are all very dangerous for your baby. You must place your baby on their own sleep surface such as a crib, bassinet or playpen separate from where you are sleeping.
Please go to the Emergency Room if you cannot arouse your baby to eat after 6 hours, your baby's eyes are yellow, or a fever, or is not peeing and pooping as described above. If your baby is having difficulty breathing or is turning blue, call 911.
Returning to work?
We are here to assist you with this transition. We can help you obtain a breast pump and explain your rights as a breastfeeding mother.
For questions about our Maternity services and virtual tours call
(323) 260-5849.
Pregnant? Our Welcome Baby program provides free virtual and phone
support. Call
(323) 260-5712 to sign