Community Benefit
Caring for everyone regardless of their ability to pay
Adventist Health and Rideout leads the community in unreimbursed medical care services. In fiscal year 2017-2018 Adventist Health and Rideout provided unreimbursed community benefits programs and services, including unreimbursed medical care services; benefits for vulnerable populations and the broader community, and health education classes and programs.
Adventist Health and Rideout addressed the following community needs: Access to care for individuals without a medical provider; education and screening programs for special populations and health conditions; community health fairs; special support services for hospice and cancer patients, families and the community; support of community nonprofit organizations; education and training of health care professionals; and collaboration with local schools through our Teen Leadership Council and Adventist Health to promote interest in health care.
Community Benefits
Adventist Health and Rideout provided $115,419 in community benefits and services.
Community Benefits provided to the community by Adventist Health and Rideout include:
- Charity care and unreimbursed medical care
- Financial and human resource assistance to a variety of local community organizations
- Donations of equipment and supplies
- Membership and volunteer involvement in local chamber of commerce, civic and service organizations
- Cancer awareness programs and support groups
- Heart Health Awareness programs, including nutrition and fitness information and heart health screenings
- Diabetes education through free Community Health Education Classes
- Maternity education through free Community Health Education Classes
- Tobacco education through free Community Health Education Classes
- Maternity care for non-insured or Medi-Cal patients
- Rideout Healthy Kids School Assemblies encouraging healthy behaviors for students K-8th grade.
- The Behavioral Health Collaborative – a new and innovative way to care for the behavioral health patient waiting in the emergency department. The goal was to deliver the highest quality care for the psychiatric patient while they were in the emergency department. Adventist Health and Rideout now work collaboratively with the county and agreed to imbed county paid crisis counselors in the emergency department 24 hours a day. Using tele-psychiatry services and clear clinical pathways the team worked together to see 100 percent of the patients with a behavioral health diagnosis. Medications are started or resumed, safety plans designed, and follow up appointments are arranged by the team.
- A Street Nursing Program - This program has been initiated by the hospital as homelessness is a growing problem nearing an epidemic level in Yuba and Sutter Counties. Well over 1,000 people are living in tents or in cars near our river’s edge. Many people are nearing the end of their resources and are about to become homeless. A group of RN’s have begun meeting with a variety of different demographics – from old to young, from single to families, to gather information which will help further develop the new program. When the program is fully developed, RNs will be going out to the streets with backpacks full of basic medical supplies and information to serve the homeless population. Ultimately, tele-health will be offered at the campsites and assistance will be made to get people into shelters. By going after some of these larger social issues, we believe Rideout can also impact the health of the community as a whole.
- Meds to Beds – Adventist Health and Rideout has begun a “Meds-to-beds” program, in which prescription drugs are given directly to patients just before they are sent home from the hospital or emergency room. This serves as more than just a convenience; in some cases this program assures that patients receive the medications necessary to complete treatment or to treat chronic medical conditions. Hospital pharmacies can bill only for medications used on the premises. Adventist Health and Rideout partners with the Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy for both discharge counseling and dispensing. The Pharmacy Plan includes: Managed Medicaid plan formularies to ensure that patients can fill medications at low cost, in addition to all other pharmacy plans. In some situations, when patients met financial criteria the medications are paid by Rideout Regional Medical Center.
- Food Insecurity Program – Adventist Health and Rideout has initiated a food insecurity screening process for all inpatients. Patients are screened upon admission by the case managers. If identified with food insecurity, a referral is submitted to the local Yuba-Sutter Food Bank where the volunteers gather a three-day supply of specific food for each patient. This food is boxed and ready for the patient upon discharge from the hospital. Since the program began, 318 referrals to the Y-S Food Bank and/or church food pantries have been made. In addition, Rideout’s commitment to this partnership with the Y-S Food Bank includes volunteering at the Food Bank warehouse once a month and sponsoring food drives. As a result of the past three food drives, Rideout associates have generously donated 2,050 pounds of non-perishable food to the Yuba Sutter Food Bank.
In 2022, Adventist Health provided:
- $67.5 million in charity care
- $25.5 million in community health improvement
- $28.8 million in education and research
- $287.9 million in Medicaid
- $442.2 million in Medicare
- $206.4 million subsidized health services
- $1.058 billion total
Community Benefit Reports
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