The Medical Library at AHGL
Adventist Health Glendale (AHGL) Library provides information resources and services to support the medical center's medical programs, educational needs and research activities.
- Monday, Tuesday & Thursday: 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
- Wednesday: 8:30 a.m. - 8 p.m.
- Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 3 p.m.
AHGL inpatients, employees, medical staff, residents and board members may use the library free of charge.
Library membership is available to medical staff and students of other institutions for an annual fee of $20.
**Please note: Medical and nursing students doing clinical rotation in the hospital may not borrow materials.
Borrowing Privileges
The loan period is two weeks with the option for renewal (either in person or by phone) unless requested by another member. Borrowers are asked to present their ID cards to the circulation desk when checking out materials.
- Late charge: 10 cents/day
- Replacement fee: Cost of item plus $5
The privileges of those who do not return items by the due date will be suspended in the event of repeated abuses.
Library Services
- Books and audiovisual materials
- Journals, newspapers and reference materials
- Reference Services - includes literature searches on MEDLINE, CINAHL, EBSCOhost and the Internet*
- Interlibrary loans - available for a fee
*Literature searches are available to members. Simply call, email, fax or come in and discuss your topic with one of our trained search analysts. All literature searches are done on MEDLINE® (the National Library of Medicine's bibliographic database covering the fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system and the preclinical sciences), the CINAHL® database via EBSCOhost and on the Internet. Search results are generally available within two days after receipt of the request, and will be emailed per request or you will be notified for collection.
Contact Us
The AHGL Medical Library is located on the basement floor of the East Tower. To reach the library, call (818) 409-8034.