cancer center

Cancer Support Services

Taking care of patients in mind, body and spirit

Integrative Cancer Support Services are a specialized area of medicine focused on improving the quality of life for patients and their families affected by cancer. The goal of integrative cancer support services is to reduce the physical and emotional burdens of illness through pain and symptom management, supportive counseling and the integration of complementary therapies, such as acupuncture or mind-body therapies.


Bring the body back into balance. Acupuncture is proven to be a valuable treatment for a number of side effects associated with cancer treatment such as anxiety, depression, fatigue, insomnia, nausea, neuropathy or pain. Available weekly on Wednesdays in the Cancer Center.

Advanced Care Planning

Advance care planning is the process of coming to understand, reflect on, discuss and plan for a time when you cannot make your own medical decisions. This plan is called an advance directive. Advanced Directive is a process of shared decision making with you, your family and your healthcare providers to improve understanding, reflection and discussion about your future healthcare decisions. Make an appointment with the Clinical Navigator at the Cancer Center to begin your advance care planning process.

Art Therapy

Expressive art therapy groups are designed to allow individuals to experience thoughts, feelings and emotions through the art making process. Art therapy is offered 6 times per year as part of the on-going Cancer Support Circles.

Bend, Stretch and Breath is offered weekly and is designed to meet the patient at his/her level of ability and helps to create a path back to wellness. Breath work and gentle postures are introduced to improve total body conditioning; increase mobility and range of motion, improve circulatory flow and relieve muscle tension.

Circle of Support for Caregivers

Helping someone go through a cancer diagnosis, treatment and recovery requires understanding, encouragement, patience and energy. If you let the stress of care giving progress to burnout, it can harm one’s physical and emotional health. This group is designed to provide support, education and resource materials to caregivers. Join this important group on Mondays at 11:00am at the Cancer Center.

Food of Love

Food of Love is a complimentary food support program whereby nutrient dense, delicious meals are provided to Martin-O’Neil Cancer Center patients who live in Napa County. Preparation of the food involves bringing teens 13-18 years of age into the kitchen to work with a professional chef to help prepare healthy organic meals for patients with cancer. Contact Laura Grinnell, RD, CSO at (707) 967-5721 to sign up.

  • General Cancer Circle - The Cancer Circle is an opportunity to explore the emotional roller coaster of experiencing a cancer diagnosis. Educational and creative opportunities are offered monthly by special guest speakers. Offered the last Wednesday of the month from 4:00 to 5:30.
  • Guided Imagery - Whether you are newly diagnosed with cancer, in the midst of medical treatment or dealing with recurrence, guided imagery helps to let go of worries and stress and lets the mind-body connection take you on a relaxing journey. Guided Imagery is offered daily to patients and their family members or caregivers.

Life Challenging Illness Circle

The Circle is offered the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month from 2:00 to 3:30. This group is offered at our Clearlake Hospital and is open to anyone suffering from an illness or injury such as cancer, chronic pain, systemic disease, traumatic injury or other illnesses that have created major loss and distress.

Massage Therapy

Martin-O’Neil Cancer Center offers daily therapeutic massage to patients, their family members and caregivers to relieve stress, reduce pain and anxiety and encourage overall relaxation.

Music Therapy - Music Therapy is offered bi-weekly individually or in a group process. Music Therapy offers many different ways to identify and express thoughts and feelings, distract from pain, increase self-esteem and to enhance the healing process.

Nutrition Counseling

Nutrition education is a very important aspect of cancer treatment and survivorship. Our oncology certified Dietitian will meet with you and discuss your personal nutritional needs and guide you with specific dietary recommendations. Educational classes that focus on cancer and nutrition including actual cooking demonstrations are offered regularly in the community by our registered Dietitian

  • Patient Counseling – The Cancer Center has a professionally trained and Oncology Board Certified Licensed Clinical Social Worker that facilitates support groups and provides individualized counseling and support to patients and families.

Peer Partners

The Peer Partner Program is one of our cancer survivorship programs. Cancer patients and their families can request a Peer Partner. These volunteers provide support and encouragement in a confidential setting through their personal cancer journey.

Pet Therapy

Pet therapy is offered weekly and helps to improve a patient’s social, emotional or cognitive functioning. Pets can also be useful in helping people feel safe and loved when they have been deprived of social interaction.

  • Spiritual Connection - For spiritual support, our Board Certified Chaplain is available on Wednesdays for an open-hearted conversation about hope, gratitude, fear, connection and meaning.
  • Writing for your Life - Writing for your Life is a journaling class offered by an experienced Health and Wellness therapist. Journaling opens the door to healing through writing by honoring creativity, imagination and intuition.

For questions or further information please contact Colleen Winters, LCSW, OSW-C (707) 967-5791.