Ukiah Valley

Resolving Concerns

Patient Advocate

Individuals are encouraged to contact Adventist Health Ukiah Valley management regarding any concerns about patient care and safety in the hospital that the hospital has not addressed. We encourage you to contact the respective department director at (707) 462-3111. You may also contact the following:

Erin Harmon
Patient Representative

The medical center notifies the public it serves about how to contact its hospital management and the Joint Commission to report concerns about patient safety and quality of care. Note: Methods of notice may include, but are not limited to, distribution of information about The Joint Commission, including contact information in published materials such as brochures and/or posting this information in the medical center's website.

If you have concerns about your care...

We’re committed to providing you with excellent service. If you feel we aren’t meeting that commitment, please follow this complaint/grievance process to resolve the issue:

  1. Talk with the individual involved. They should do all they can to resolve your concern.
  2. If that doesn’t resolve your issue, please talk with that individual’s supervisor.
  3. If you still have concerns, talk with the director of the department about your complaint, and how we can best resolve it.
  4. If we still haven’t taken care of your concern, please contact Patient Relations at (559) 309-5943 or Our staff will do what they can to resolve the issue.
  5. If your concerns cannot be resolved through the organization, you can contact either the State of California Department of Public Health or The Joint Commission with your issue.

The Joint Commission

State Department of Public Health
(559)-437-1500 or (800)-554-0351