maternity care


If a C-section is scheduled, please follow your physician’s instructions.

These typically include:

  • The night before your procedure, don’t eat or drink anything after midnight
  • Make sure you follow your provider’s guidance about medications

When you arrive

The first thing you should do upon arrival is to stop at the desk area to verify your registration information. If you haven’t preregistered, you will do that there. You then will be escorted to you pre-op room to prepare. You’ll receive a gown to wear and a bag for your clothing.

Your nurse will place a fetal monitor on your abdomen to evaluate your baby’s heart rate. Your vital signs will be checked. An intravenous (IV) line will be started to give you fluids and medications needed in surgery.

In the operating room

Your support person will be able to come into the operating room just before the doctor is ready to start surgery. Pictures of the baby are encouraged, but video is not allowed in the surgical suite.

Learn what happens after delivery.