
Rehabilitation Treatment for Incontinence or Pelvic Pain

For many rehabilitation is an effective treatment option. It is the most natural, noninvasive treatment option available to help correct bladder difficulties.

To get started, a physical therapist will need and medical history, a completed pelvic floor questionnaire and a tracking log. Based on your condition and preferences, rehabilitation may include:

  • Flexibility and strength assessment
  • Pelvic floor muscle surface EMG (or biofeedback)
  • Pelvic area internal and external muscle assessment and treatment
  • Postural exercises — good posture helps keep the pelvis aligned, making incontinence much less likely
  • Myofascial release — a highly specialized stretching technique
  • Relaxation techniques and abdominal breathing that relaxes the muscles, massages the internal organs and allows more oxygen to flow through the body
  • Development of an individualized home exercise program