maternity services

What You Should Know About Maternity Services


The Maternity Center is located on the Adventist Health Glendale campus at 1505 Wilson Terrace. Take the main entrance to the hospital off of Wilson Terrace and follow the circle drive to the left. The Maternity Center entrance is across the parking lot from the entrance to the East Tower.

Pre-registration and Admitting

Pre-registration is strongly recommended and can be completed midway through your pregnancy. You can pre-register by obtaining a pre-registration form from your doctor, during a Maternity Tour, through the medical center admitting office located on the Main Floor of the East Tower. Please bring a photo ID and insurance cards with you when you arrive for pre-registration and when you arrive to deliver your baby.

Prenatal Testing, Labor Induction and Pregnancy Problems

Your doctor may need to induce your labor or instruct you to have some prenatal tests. Some of those tests, such as the non-stress test (NST), will be done in or near the Maternity Center. Our Maternity Center also offers perinatology services for patients who experience medical complications during pregnancy. Your doctor will tell you where to go and how to make arrangements for any testing you may need.

Your Pediatrician

Before you deliver your baby, you should choose a pediatrician (a doctor who will care for your baby after birth). This doctor will examine your baby shortly after birth. Your obstetrical doctor (OB/GYN) may advise you regarding a pediatrician or may provide you with a list of pediatricians who are on staff at Adventist Health Glendale. To select a pediatrician, visit our find-a-doctor directory.


Please leave all valuables, such as money and jewelry, at home. If you must come to the hospital suddenly and don't have time to take your valuables home, you should send them home with your family as soon as possible. You may also ask the admitting department to hold them in a secure location for you.


Photos of your baby are usually taken shortly after birth. Staff members can tell you about all available options, such as setting up Internet photos (which allow friends and family members who are far away to see your baby's photo) and purchasing photo packages. You are also free to take your own photos.

Taking Your Baby Home

When you and your baby are ready to be discharged from the Maternity Center, you will need to provide clothing for the baby. In addition, you must make sure that there is an infant car seat installed in the car the baby will go home in. By law, you must have a car seat that is manufactured specifically for newborns.