quality and awards

Trends in Health Care Improvement

Winning awards validates our hard work. But that’s not enough.

Our goal every day is to look for ways we can serve our patients even better. That means everyone at Adventist Health is part of our quality improvement team.

Some specific areas where we continually seek innovation and best practices include:

  • Evidenced-based care: Our care models are based on nationally researched evidence that shows how we can give our patients the best outcomes through the best care in hospital and clinic settings.
  • Safety and harm prevention: We’ve established an entire culture of safety, where every employee is expected to follow the correct protocols and is empowered to ask important, lifesaving questions.
  • Preventable mortality: Health risk factors combined with specific health conditions mean the odds are stacked against some of our patients before we ever see them in the hospital. Where the speed and quality of our care have succeeded in saving these lives, we have achieved preventable mortality.
  • Lowering readmission: We want our hospital patients to head home on path to continue their healing without being readmitted. This means the entire care team — from the patient and family to nurses, doctors and other providers — works together to ensure patients leave with the information they need to continue healing at home and get the follow-up care they need and deserve.
  • Right care in the right setting: Because we are on a mission to truly heal our patients, our goal is to make sure they are receiving the right care at the right time in the right setting.
  • Patient-centered clinic care: Our primary care clinics are passionate about being certified Patient-Centered Medical Homes. This comprehensive clinic care means better follow-up after hospitalizations, lower rates of hospital readmission and reduced costs overall for our patients. And our patients like the service we provide — more than 90 percent would recommend their Adventist Health Portland provider’s office to family and friends.