White Memorial Montebello

Visitor Information

Visitor Guidelines

Visiting Hour: 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.

Campus map

To maintain an environment where our patients can receive optimal care, all visitors and support persons are expected to refrain from behaviors that are disruptive or pose a threat to the rights or safety of others. Our Visitor Guidelines are summarized below:

For All Visitors

  • Visitors must be free of COVID-19 or other virus or flu symptoms
  • Adult inpatients are permitted two (2) visitors at a time
  • Visiting hours may be limited based on a patient’s clinical needs
  • Visitors for patients with special circumstances or clinical needs will be determined by the physician and nursing leadership
  • Visitors should wash or sanitize their hands when entering and exiting the patient’s room
  • Due to infection control risks, visitors are to not use the patient’s bathroom, shower nor lie down in the patient’s bed
  • Visitors will not physically or verbally threaten any person and we will not tolerate disruptive language or violent behavior, including racial or cultural slurs or derogatory language
  • Weapons are not permitted within Adventist Health White Memorial Montebello or other campus buildings
  • We ask that you leave any weapons in your vehicles
  • Possession and/or use of street drugs and alcoholic beverages are not permitted on the property
  • The hospital has the right to restrict visitation based on an individual’s behavior, and any other circumstances as deemed inappropriate by the hospital’s administration
  • Visitors who do not comply with Visitor Guidelines can/will be escorted off the property

Masking Guidelines

Wearing a mask is not required in most cases. Visitors may wear a mask at their own discretion.

  • If visiting a patient with COVID-19, a well-fitting medical grade mask over your nose and mouth is required at all times
  • Additional Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) may be required per hospital policy

Emergency Room Visitors

  • Adult patients will be allowed two (2) designated visitors to join them
  • Infants and pediatric patients will be allowed two (2) designated visitors to join them

Our nursing staff may change or limit visitation in certain situations, including infection control and concerns with patient care and behavior. Please speak with a member of our staff if you have any questions. Thank you for your support and cooperation.