Watch: The Flu Shot Live!

Jan 17, 2020


Now is the time to get a flu shot.

Dr. Ben Roney, a primary care physician at Adventist Health Castle gives KHON2 News anchor Lauren Day a flu shot on the air.

During the break the doctor asked Lauren a set of questions like if she had a fever.

Discussions in this segment include:
  1. Why should we bother getting a flu shot?
  2. What are some of the myths out there about flu shots and are there any side effects from the vaccine?
  3. Who should or shouldn’t get the flu shot?
  4. How do you know if you have the flu or a common cold?
  5. What should you do if you get the flu?


Dr. Ben Roney gives KHON host Lauren Day her flu shot on live TV and shares some helpful information about it.